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Political and International Law

Bar 2020-2021 Syllabus (14 February 2020)


A. Nature and concept of a constitution
B. Parts of a constitution
C. Amendments and revisions
D. Methods of interpreting the Constitution


A. Declaration of principles and state policies
B. Sovereignty
C. State immunity
D. Separation of powers
E. Checks and balances
F. Delegation of powers
G. Fundamental powers of the State
1. Police power
2. Eminent domain
3. Taxation



A. Kinds of citizenship, purpose of distinguishing citizenship and kinds of citizenship
B. Who are citizens
C. Who can be citizens
D. Modes of acquiring citizenship
E. Motles of losing and reacquiring citizenship
F. Dual citizenship and dual allegiance


A. Legislative power
1. Scope and limitations
2. Principle of non-delegability; exceptions
B. Chambers of Congress; composition; qualifications
1. Senate
2. House of Representatives
a. District representatives and questions of apportionment
b. Party-list system
C. Legislative privileges, inhibitions, and disqualifications
D. Quorum and voting majorities
E. Discipline of members
F. Process of law-making
G. Electoral tribunals and the Commission on Appointments
1. Nature
2. Powers
H. Powers of Congress
1. Legislative inquiries and oversight functions
2. Non-legislative
a. Informing function
b. Power of impeachment
I. Initiative and referendum


A. Qualifications, election, and term of the President and Vice-President
B. Privileges, inhibitions, and disqualifications
1. Presidential immunity
2. Presidential privilege
C. Powers of the President
1. General executive and administrative powers
2. Power of appointment
a. In general
b. Limitations on the exercise/power
c. Types of appointment
3. Power of control and supervision
a. Doctrine of qualified political agency
b. Executive departments and offices
c. Local government units
4. Emergency powers
5. Commander-in-chief powers
a. Calling out powers
b. Declaration of martial law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus; extension
6. Executive clemency
a. Nature and limitations
b. Forms of executive clemency
7. Diplomatic power
8. Powers relative to appropriation measures
9. Delegated powers
10. Residual powers
11. Veto powers
D. Rules of succession


A. Concepts
1. Judicial power
2. Judicial review
a. Requisites
b. Operative fact doctrine
c. Political question doctrine
B. Judicial independence and autonomy
C. Appointments to the judiciary
1. Qualifications of members of the judiciary
2. Judicial and Bar Council
a. Composition
b. Powers
D. The Supreme Court
1. Composition
2. Powers and functions


A. Common provisions
B. Institutional independence safeguards
C. Powers and functions
D. Composition and qualifications of members
E. Prohibited offices and interests


A. Concept of Bill of Rights
1. Privacy and autonomy
2. Relation to human rights
B. Due process of law
1. Concept of right to life, liberty and property
2. Kinds of due process
a. Substantive
b. Procedural
i. Judicial
ii. Administrative
c. Levels of scrutiny
C. Equal protection of laws
1. Concept
2. Requisites for valid classification
3. Levels of scrutiny
D. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures
1. Concept of privacy
2. Concept of a search
3. Requisites of a valid warrant
4. Warrantless searches
5. Warrantless arrests and detention
6. Exclusionary rule
7. Effects of unreasonable searches and seizures
8. Effects of illegal detention
E. Privacy of communications and correspondence
1. Concept of communications, correspondence
2. Intrusion, when and how allowed
3. Exclusionary rule
F. Freedom of speech and expression
1. Concept
a. Continuum of thought, speech, expression, and speech acts
b. Purposes of free speech doctrines
c. Balance between unbridled expression and liberty
2. Types of regulation
a. Prior restraint and subsequent punishment
b. Content based and content neutral
c. Incitement and advocacy
d. Specificity of regulation and overbreadth doctrine
e. Speech regulation in relation to election
f. Speech regulation in relation to media
3. Judicial analysis, presumptions and levels and types of scrutiny
4. Special topics in free expression cases
a. Hate speech
b. Defamation and libel
c. Sedition and speech in relation to rebellion
d. Obscenity/pornography
e. Commercial speech
f. National emergencies
g. Speech of public officers
5. Cognate rights
a. Freedom of assembly
b. Freedom of association
c. Freedom of information
G. Freedom of religion
1. Basic principles
a. Purpose
b. Concept of religion
2. Principle of separation of church and state
3. Non-establishment clause
4. Free exercise clause
H. Liberty of abode and freedom of movement
1. Scope and limitations
2. Watch-list and hold departure orders
I. Eminent domain
1. Concept
2. Just compensation
3. Abandonment of intended use and right of repurchase
4. Expropriation by local government units
J. Non-impairment of contracts
K. Adequate legal assistance and free access to courts
L. Right against self-incrimination

1. Scope and coverage

2. Application

3. Immunity statutes

M. Rights of persons under custodial investigation

1. Availability

2. Requisites

3. Waiver

N. Rights of the accused

1. Criminal due process

2. Bail

3. Presumption of innocence

4. Right to be heard

5. Assistance of counsel

6. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation

7. Right to speedy, impartial, and public trial

8. Right of confrontation

9. Compulsory process

10. Trials in absentia

O. Right to the speedy disposition of cases

P. Right against excessive fines and cruel, degrading, and inhuman punishments

Q. Non-imprisonment for debts

R. Right against double jeopardy

1. Requisites; scope

2. Limitations

S. Right against involuntary servitude

T. Ex post facto laws and bills of attainder


A. General principles

B. Modes of acquiring title to public office

C. Modes and kinds of appointment

D. Eligibility and qualification requirements

E. Disabilities and inhibitions of public officers

F. Powers and duties of public officers

G. Rights of public officers

H. Liabilities of public officers

1. Preventive suspension and back salaries

2. Illegal dismissal, reinstatement, and back salaries

I. Immunity of public officers

J. Distinguish: de facto and de Jure officers

K. Termination of official relation

L. Civil service

1. Scope

2. Appointments to the civil service

3. Personnel actions

M. Accountability of public officers

1. Types of accountability

a. Administrative

b. Criminal

2. The Ombudsman and the Office of the Special Prosecutor

3. The Sandiganbayan

N. Term limits


A. General principles

B. Administrative agencies

C. Powers of administrative agencies

1. Rule-making power

a. Kinds of administrative rules and regulations

b. Requisites for validity

2. Adjudicatory power

a. Administrative due process

b. Administrative appeal and review

c. Administrative res judicata

3. Fact-finding, investigative, licensing, and rate-fixing powers

D. Judicial review

1. Doctrine of primary administration jurisdiction

2. Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies

3. Doctrine of finality of administrative action


A. Suffrage

1. Qualification and disqualification of voters

2. Registration and deactivation of voters

3. Inclusion and exclusion proceedings

4. Local and overseas absentee voting

5. Detainee voting

B. Political parties

1. Jurisdiction of the Commission on Elections over political parties

2. Registration of political parties

C. Candidacy

1. Qualifications and disqualifications of candidates

2. Filing of certificates of candidacy

a. Effect of filing

b. Substitution and withdrawal of candidates

c. Nuisance candidates

d. Effect of disqualification

D. Campaign

1. Premature campaigning

2. Prohibited contributions

3. Lawful and prohibited election propaganda

4. Limitations on expenses

5. Statement of contributions and expenses

E. Board of Election Inspectors and Board of Canvassers.

1. Composition

2. Powers

F. Remedies

1. Petition to deny due course to or cancel certificate of candidacy

2. Petition for disqualification

3. Failure of election; call for special election

4. Pre-proclamation controversy

5. Election protest

6. Quo warranto


A. Autonomous Regions and their relation to the National Government

B. Public corporations

1. Concept; distinguished from Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations

2. Classifications

a. Quasi-corporations

b. Municipal corporations

i. Elements

ii. Nature and functions

iii. Requisites for creation, conversion, division, merger or dissolution

D. Principles of local autonomy Powers of local government units

1. General welfare clause

2. Eminent domain

3. Taxing power

4. Closure and opening of roads

5. Legislative power

a. Requisites for valid ordinance

b. Local initiative and referendum

6. Ultra vires acts

7. Corporate powers

8. Liability of local government units

9. Settlement of boundary disputes

10. Local officials

a. Vacancies and succession

b. Discipline

i. Elective officials

(a) Grounds

(b) Jurisdiction

(c) Preventive suspension

(d) Removal

(e) Administrative appeal

(f) Doctrine of condonation

ii. Appointive officials

11. Recall

12. Term Limits


A. Exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources

B. Franchises, authorities, and certificates for public utilities,

C. Acquisition, ownership, and transfer of public and private lands

D. Practice of professions

E. Organization and regulation of private and public corporations

F. Monopolies, restraint of trade, and unfair competition


A. Concept of social justice

B. Economic, social, and cultural rights

C. Commission on Human Rights

1. Powers

2. Composition and qualification of members


A. Academic freedom


A. Concepts

B. Relationship between international and Philippine domestic law

C. Sources of international law

1. Article 38, International Court of Justice Statute

2. Effects of United Nations Declarations, Security Council Resolutions

3. Effect of actions of organs of international organizations created by treaty

D. Subjects of international law

1. States

2. International organizations

3. Individuals

4. Others

E. Jurisdiction of states

1. Basis of jurisdiction

a. Territoriality principle

b. Nationality principle

c. Protective principle

d. Universality principle

e. Passive personality principle

2. Exemptions from jurisdiction

a. Act of State doctrine

b. International organizations and their officers

F. Diplomatic and consular law

G. Nationality and statelessness

H. General principles of treaty law

I. Doctrine of state responsibility

J. Refugees

K. Treatment of aliens

1. Extradition

a. Fundamental principles

b. Procedure

c. Distinguished from deportation

L. International human rights law

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

3. International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

M. International humanitarian law

1. Categories of armed conflict

a. International armed conflicts

b. Internal or non-international armed conflict

c. War of national liberation

2. Core international obligation of States

3. Principles of international humanitarian law

a. Treatment of civilians

b. Prisoners of war

4. Law on neutrality

N. Law of the sea

1. Baselines

2. Archipelagic States

a. Straight archipelagic baselines

b. Archipelagic waters

c. Archipelagic sea lanes passage

d. Regime of islands

3. Internal waters

4. Territorial sea

5. Contiguous zone

6. Exclusive economic zone

7. Continental shelf

8. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

O. International environmental law

1. Principle 21 of Stockholm Declaration

2. Precautionary principle




  • Batas Pambansa Blg. 881 - Omnibus Election Philippines Code of thePhilippines (as amended)

  • Executive Order No. 200 s. 1987 - Publication of Laws as Requirement for Their Effectivity

  • Executive Order No. 292 s. 1987 - Administrative Code of 1997 Introductory Provisions, Section 2; Book I, sections 3-11

  • Rep. Act No. 6735 - The Initiative and Referendum Act

  • Rep. Act No. 6770 - The Ombudsman Act of 1989

  • Rep. Act No. 7160 - Local Government Code of 1991

As amended by: a. Rep. Act No. 8553, b. Rep. Act No. 8150, c. Rep. Act No. 9640

  • Rep. Act No. 7166 - Synchronized Elections Law of 1991

As amended by: a. Rep. Act No. 7887, b. Rep. Act No. 9369, c. Rep. Act No. 8173

  • Rep. Act No. 7438 - Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial Investigation

  • Rep. Act No. 7887- Institution of Electoral Reforms

  • Rep. Act No. 7941 - Party-List System Act

  • Rep. Act No. 8171 - Repatriation of Filipino Women and of Natural-Born Filipinos Who Lost Their Philippine Citizenship

  • Rep. Act No. 8436 - Election Automation Law

As amended by: a. Rep. Act No. 9369, b. Rep.Act No. 9006

  • Rep. Act No. 8975 - Prohibiting Lower Courts from Issuing Temporary Restraining Orders, Preliminary Injunctions or Preliminary Mandatory Injunctions on Government Infrastructure Projects

  • Rep. Act No. 9006 - Fair Elections Act

As amended by: Rep. Act No. 11207

  • Rep. Act No. 9189 - The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003

As amended by: Rep. Act No. 10590

  • Rep. Act No. 9225 - Citizenship Retention acquisition Act of 2003

  • Rep. Act No. 9244 - An Act Eliminating the Preparatory Recall Assembly as a Mode of Instituting Recall of Elective Local Government Officials

  • Rep. Act No. 9346 - An Act Prohibiting the Imposition of Death Penalty in the Philippines

  • Rep. Act No. 9522 - An Act to Define the Baselines of the Territorial Sea of the Philippines

  • Rep. Act No. 9851 - Philippine Act on Crimes International Humanitarian Genocide, and Other Crimes Humanity

  • Rep. Act No. 10368 - Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013


1. Statute of the International Court of Justice, art. 38(l)(a).

2. Charter of the United Nations

3. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

4. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

5. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

6. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN

7. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies

8. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

9. International Covenant on Civil and Political Right

10. International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

11. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949

12. 1949 Geneva Conventions (first to fourth)

13. 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions

14. 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol